I am really learning (maybe the hard way) that the key to success in changing your life is being consistent.. Little and often is the key for me..
Its too tempting to jump in head first to a new venture, new lifestyle choice or new regime and then run out of steam when things seem mundane or seem to stop working.
Noticing change is easy at first as change is by very definition a difference. But when the change becomes the normal its easy to lose sight of the benefits.
So this has been my focus of late. Embracing change and its benefits by gentle reflection on the journey travelled so far. Praising the change and its results and then redefining my goals so that the changes can develop and evolve.
Those who know me and have known me a long time will say I am NOT the person I was 5 years ago or even 12 months ago. I have evolved into the person I am wanting to be and no longer the result of reaction and manipulations.
Consistency is more than developing a habit because for me habits are boring.. and often offer no challenge or motivation. Results are the key for me and these can come sometimes when life is more chaotic than habitually predictable.
Getting to know yourself is really important.. what makes me tick and what makes others tick are always different and the highlight of life in the last couple of months has been the learning of who exactly I am.. not just my personality and, my likes and dislikes but the core aspects of my temperament and nature. My emotional needs and personality traits.
I have an amazing Life Coach who I have known a very long time. We have a personal history as work colleagues over 20 yrs years ago and yet working with him on a personal level today is refreshing... as my Life Coach there are no preconceptions or judgements. He sees me as I am today and is helping me embrace life with new eyes.
Today I realised that having a tool kit for emotional health and well being are only as good as the frequency I use them. If I don't use the tools then I lose their benefit over time. The tools for me are not FIXING a problems they are helping me consistently live.
I think I wanted a quick FIX for many areas in my life that I was not satisfied with.. but the reality is I don't need to fix them I need to see them with new eye, new perspective and be grateful for what I have in life.
Consistency in tools like Meditation, visualisation, grounding my soul, praying and gratitude all have an resonance that makes my life more satisfying, successful and peaceful. But without consistently using these tools I have found slowly negative influences can creep in.
Complacency and laziness are probably the two potent vices I am vulnerable to. I have found I need to be aware and use my toolkit to keep status quo in my life.
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