Today my darling husband made the kids Pancakes and I made a Green spinach based juice. I must say I didn't miss the pancakes.. the idea of eating them did not appeal. I had eggs on Nut bread with my Spinach juice.. I feel good!
My only frustration at the moment is feeling disconnected from my family as I am growing and learning to live in the now. In the past I would have eaten down the emotions of dealing with them and I would have emotionally shut down.
I'm really battling with anger at the moment. Its there under the surface and I'm snipping at anyone who even just looks at my buttons. Sadly this is usually my husband or the kids!
Im able to question these emotions now and I'm clearing on them. But I dont think its going to be overnight because Im changing and they are not.. and Im seeing things I dont like and either gonna have to speak out to change them or just get over it.
Its not an easy place to be and makes me very uncomfortable.. and as I no longer turn to food for stuffing that feeling down its either tackle it head on or feel bad!.
Im going to meditate and give it over to God. Im continually Clearing on any memories that arise and Im going to let this be my process of getting over it!.
Hubby and I will be celebrating 20yrs marriage in July and we have been together 22yrs on 3rd April and I must say I feel in many ways we are starting again this year... or a least on a new path. Its kind of frustrating and kind of exciting.. but one I know changes need making together.. we need to move in the same direction. But Im committed to dealing with this.
(Hubby will probably read this and go.. "oh are we/do we... doh!")
2013 so far in review...
- Hubby started a new job which takes him away from home a lot (at moment half the week and soon most of the week)
- Our youngest started school
- Im living a live food life and dealing with emotions differently
- Financially we are in a better controlled place - even though we have no surplus money each fortnight to live lavish like before. We live more simply and controlled and it can be tense at time but we know we are provided for.
All these changes at once do sometimes become overwhelming and its so completely important to underpin them with LOVE, Communication and Faith... but some how we are stronger than ever!