Friday 29 March 2013

The Power is within

I am reflecting on how my journey must always reflect and honour God, my Father in heaven.

Today is Good Friday and I'm mindful of what happened to Jesus.

It brings to mind that he CHOSE to be there. Yes there were evil men involved but he CHOSE to be there, suffering, persecuted and dying on a crucifix.

For me this journey is learning about my own Power of Choice.. the power within me. The God given ability to choose and change.

Our bodies are so incredibly complex in the way they work, the way cells listen to each other (or don't listen sometimes) The amazing way that every single cell in our body DIES and gets replaced within a 2 yr period. This is amazing and empowering knowledge.. because this means I DO have some control over my own body..

For so long I felt a victim to the cruel way my body has enjoyed storing Fat.. but actually now I MARVEL and its clever way of doing it.

Fat is not my enemy.. its a God created process of keeping me alive.. but sadly my own actions, thoughts, deeds etc have caused it turn like a toxic weed.

What I mean by all this and how this applies to my life today is..

Food should be about assisting our cells to reproduce. Food should be about keeping our Mind clear and our bodies functioning at its BEST so that we can have amazing relationships with other humans and this world. To create the BEST experience demonstrating the complex nature of God.

I feel so in tune with life now. Before I was walking around in a blind haze of negative thinking and reactionary actions drugged up on man made toxic food "like" substances.

Now I live purposefully!.

Today I planted some beans, spinach and lemon grass seeds to add to my ever growing garden of life giving plants.

I ate 4 raspberries and 2 strawberries straight from the bush and they tasted amazing!.

Its just the small things at first but as you gain momentum life changes fast like the down hill slope on a Rollercoaster. If you go fast enough the uphills are so much easier!

As we go on to celebrate Easter and the power it gives us, lets thank God for making us Unique and Complex creations that never get bored by the amount we have to learn about ourself and life!

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