I walked for exercise this morning.. I am so proud of myself.
Anyone who knows me knows I have lived the life of a disabled person for a very long time. At 16 I had a total hip replacement after many years of suffering from Perthes Disease.
My hip has defied logic and medicine. Every Orthopaedic surgeon I meet are dumb struck that I have a 25 yr old hip replacement that looks as healthy and perfect as the day it was done.
February 2012 I thought my mobility was over when I had a slip on mud in the school car park. I virtually did the splits and heard a very loud CRACK in my left hip. I was in a lot of pain and taken by specialist ambulance to the PA hospital in Brisbane.
Put on morphine and CT scans and Xrays were taken. Specialists were fearing I had broken my hip and I went into a real panic and grieving; thinking my life as a young mother would be taken away from me.. that my kids would forever have a mum in a wheel chair.
The scan returned COMPLETELY CLEAR.. the specialists were amazed.. Diagnosis was that I had severely ripped my Adductor Muscle.. It was the most painful thing I have ever done. Long term prognosis was unknown, and the worst case scenario was given to me to prepare for. Never walking unaided again!
Three days in hospital on morphine and other pain medication and a hospital Physiotherapist trying to get me mobile enough to go home. I left hospital using a wheeled Walking frame. A geriatric at 39 was no life for me to look forward to. I went to Rehab every week and was blessed with an amazing Physiotherapist who found me fascinating and rose to the challenge to help me.. beyond just the adductor. They felt my slip has been contributed to by the fact I had a dropped, twisted and tilted pelvic and 3 compressed discs in my lower spine! (L3-5). I had two lovely Physiotherapist Manually manipulate my pelvis back into some type of normal position (not fun when two grown men are virtually sitting on your pelvis pushing it and you are not medicated and fully awake!!)
Over the weeks/months of adjustments, manipulations hydrotherapy and massages the Adductor healed and I strengthened my leg and endurance. I was eventually discharged from Rehab told to use at the very least a walking stick and if uneven or slippery ground or long distance walking I was to use my walking frame.
And this was the life for me. Until I went to Kiama in March 2013.
In Kiama I was at the Jon Gabriel retreat. Jon gave us an amazing 3 day retreat of learning about different aspects of health, digestions, our spiritual ability and our brain etc. One of the seminars I found the MOST challenging of all, was about our bodies ability to HEAL itself naturally.
I cried so long and hard that day... could I REALLY live the life of a fully able person just by CHOOSING to and just by nourishing my body correctly and visualising Health and Vitality.
SO so so many years of doctors telling me I was destined for nothing. Life never had really begun for me.. back as a 12 yr old girl first losing her ability to walk after a slip on mud impacted my already damaged hip .. suddenly not being able to walk.. then at the age of 39 almost repeating history.. but actually THAT fall almost seems like it was coming full circle and the END of the life I had lived so far.. disabled, fat, fearful and lonely.
What led me to Gabriel Method in May 2012 is another story I will tell one day.. but my mobility was still being rehabilitated.. and my mood til that point was very low.. depressed and i was on Prozac, high strength Voltaren and the occasional Morphine etc. but once I started listening to visualisations my life changed.. my physiotherapist saw a change.. a passion to be great! A determination to one day Ride a Bike!
I started taking Omega 3 suppliments and suddenly i no longer had pain.. so I stopped the morphine and voltaren.. and as my confidence grew I suddenly one day said NO MORE to the Prozac and that too was gone.. all because of Omega 3.
So now nearly a year later.. and suddenly believing in myself at last.. and believing in the power of this God Crafted body to heal itself and renew. Every cell one by one can be healed, duplicated and renewed.. I decided to take on the challenge. If this be true then I have to give my body EVERY advantage I can..
I learned that processed foods made my cells rigid and not duplicate correctly. Processed food make the vital hormones that regulate blood sugar, fat storage etc be ignored by the brain.
The chain of command in my body was in ruin. The ONLY way forward was to deal with my Digestion < to me this is the true nervous system of our body.. without proper digestion our body can not get the vital nutrients for cell health.. My body is 100% cellular.. its simple.. crap food = crap cells. I have a Gastric band that was suppose to save my life but was KILLING IT.
My mind is also the other factor. Crap food = Crap attitude.
I'm now feeding my Cells LIVE HEALTHY VITAL FOODS.. that create this body every day. They feed, heal and mobilise..
So.. that leaves TODAY.. after 11 months on the Gabriel Method.. I just did a 1km walk without painkillers, without a walking frame, without a walking stick.. just me and my legs.. my beautiful amazing clever legs.
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