Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Keep Calm and Carry On!

So this is a journey. This is Life. A NEW life.

Echos of my old life remain but I'm so proud of myself that when these echos come forward that I deal with them with calm.

Yesterday I had a moment of fear, doubt and sadness. I began to worry that I wasn't doing enough and that I would not sustain any progress.

Why these negative fears arose I still don't know but I am aware of this deep seeded self sabotage villain that dwells within and I'm working on its eviction.

How this effected me yesterday was manifested in this under lying fear. Fear of failure.

Every day I'm actively on the Gabriel Method forum, I'm actively talking to other Gabriel Method lifestylers and encouraging others in their daily journey.

Yesterday I did a Qijong energy excerise lesson, and I did a few arm dumbbell exercises. Yet I felt like my eating was not good. Too much focus was on food. It didn't feel good. I felt over indulged and in some way "dirty"

I had my live juice, I had my supplements and did my visualisations, but then I ate a piece of left over gluten free brownie for late breakfast. In itself that doesn't seem bad. I didn't eat a huge piece and I didn't eat it mindless. But this brownie had refined sugar in it and it set me up to have poisoned thinking the rest of the day.

I made a lush vegetable soup that I had all good stuff it. I then had eggs with gluten free cruskets for dinner but after dinner I had a piece of my birthday avo choc pie. The one I had as my birthday cake. Made from raw nuts, green coconut, raw cacao, coconut oil and coconut palm sugar.... But.... The topping was that gluten free brownie. Now my piece was not huge but I ate it NOT for hunger or energy ... I didn't need it and I KNEW I didn't need it. And THAT is the point of this blog. In my journey there is NO room for emotional eating.. Regardless of the emotion. I'm sure I ate it because of the brownie that morning.. My brain was on drugs all day and I was fighting it the rest of the day.

The only way I would not have eaten it would be if it was not there! And this dear reader is the heart of emotional obesity. It's that compulsion to eat when not hungry. The drive that seems uncontrollable.

This was not a craving.. It was not boredom but it was driven by that refined super drug that has addictive power.

I had lived refined cane sugar free for a month and this was a valuable lesson in its power over me. One taste on Saturday set me up for this ongoing drive to eat that brownie again.

Today is a new day! A day to detox from sugar and I will win!

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