Thursday, 23 May 2013

Believing for Abundance... Bring it on Life!

Since starting this journey I have struggled with the idea of Abundance.  Through out my life this concept of abundance has been like a thorn in my side.   Is it selfish to want more.. is it selfish to assume I deserve the best.  

Sometimes I would dream of being rich with unlimited money or dream of being famous  but when I dwell on this the reality is always so disappointing and distracts me. 

I get challenged too by parts of society that I should be grateful for my "first world life" and that I have already attained Abundance just by my very birth... when you see the world differently with a new focus you suddenly measure your "lot" by that of those worse off... its all about perception.  

But the fact is I can have Abundance that does not have to be out of my reach and is not all about monetary measures

My feeling of lacking abundance issues go deep.. they manifest them self in odd ways.  One of which is my unconscious habit of buying TWO of things when I go grocery shopping.  Despite being aware of doing it now I still do it.. and even in the moment question myself "Am I genuinely needing two of that?"  - it's like I have convinced myself that I will run out of food!.

It doesn't help that I have two sons and two cats.  

I never grew up in a family that was poor.. however for several reason I grew up feeling deprived.  Don't get me wrong.. there is no blame here.. it is what it is.. it developed from my perception of the world.  For some reason I felt a lack in life!    

My world focus as a child needing something she wasn't getting ended up feeling the need to horde belongings and eat junk food. (and put on FAT layers over my body)

I also developed feeling a sense of comfort having mess and chaos around me.  Yet when my home is tidy my mind feels relaxed and peaceful.  

So  what am I doing TODAY to live in Abundance and to deal with cleaning my mind of the clutter so that I can feel fulfilled and worth??

Today I cleaned my Kitchen Sink with Bleach and its now sparkling like new.  (I love the smell of bleach.. it resonates cleanliness)

Today I soaked, washed and cut up Kale and Celery and put them in fridge Tupperware for my daily juicing needs.

Today I looked in the mirror and told myself how amazing I look and how Fabulous I am doing and that I am not deprived.

Today I shared my heart with a trusted friend - letting go of my current struggles.. she heard my heart and continued to cheer me on.. reminding me how amazing I am doing.. 

I'm not shy of saying I amaze myself when I look at my  progress photo's.  and I know I should be proud of myself.. because what I am doing is amazing.. and it is for keeps! 

I am learning that I don't have to take on other peoples issues.  I am learning that I can LOVE life on a limited budget.. but above all I am BLESSED.

On the side of MONEY.. I do actually believe in the power of Abundant thinking influencing my finances..  if you don't believe in the power of the perception of abundance.. well since I have been visualising "healthy" abundance our financial situation has remained stable and unexpected cash will turn up .  Like yesterday the only post we got was actually a random unexpected Cheque from Energex (the electricity suppliers) .. they wrote said they didn't comply by their service standard contract with us when we lost power for 24hrs recently.  Well.. Thanks.. don't mind if we do.  Plus unpredictable mystery shopping jobs become available to me and it gives us boosts to our budget to meet all our needs.

YES Abundance is more than money.. it's that feeling of having enough...... enough love.... enough peace.... enough friends.... enough attention... enough food...  but above all its about GIVING!  When you have enough you give more!

One thing I know for sure matter how much I have... I am Good Enough!

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Living and not being controlled

I am sorry I have not blogged for a while.  I have been working on LIVING instead of being overly obsessive about food, Gabriel Method and the semantics of Nutrition. 

I have a huge knowledge base already of what I 'should' be doing and I have to trust myself now to KNOW the right thing to do day in and day out.

I have had a huge liberation from feeling the need to actually Juice daily (I am still drinking Green Juice every day though) once I trusted that I could make a batch of Juice that would last a couple of days.  This has let me off the leash for some freedom to get on with life and enjoy it.

I have been able to eat out with my family and "GM" up my meals by carrying Chia seeds with me.   I also carry my own "sugar" blend to sweeten my green teas and occasional long black coffee..  Its basically Half Coconut Palm Sugar granules and Half Xylitol granules.  Its a really nice blend as its not overly sweet but it adds flavour to what can be bitterness from tea and coffee.  It also means I use hardly any milk these days.

Life is finally finding a balance between obsessively being concerned about the food I put in my body and being a mother to my kids and a wife to my husband.

Sadly these things never seemed to blend well.  I found it hard to be focused on ME and others at the same time.  Now its not just about ME ME ME its about just plain old BEING.

Its ok to have  lazy day.. Its ok to have some chocolate at 10pm watching NCIS.  I choose to only buy 85% organic chocolate.. its expensive $4 for 100g but I find I'm happy with just a cube or two and I nibble it.. the small sugar content doesn't play mind games for me.. and I'm happy to say I don't crave it.  I just like to have that rich cacao taste in my mouth.. 

My veg garden is coming along nicely with crops now starting to produce harvest.  I am currently enjoying my spinach and harvest it when its small and tender.  It looks rather like Warrigal greens (which I'm hoping to find a natural supply locally I can forage)  I have harvested several tasty radish and enjoying new ways of pepping up a salad.  I have a healthy herb garden that includes:  Parsley, sage, Rosemary, Thyme, Oregano, Basil, Mint, Stevia, Lemon Balm, Self Heal, Garlic Chives and wormwood. I am growing celery from shop bought celery hearts.  I love that we can grow veg from the left overs of ones purchased.

The other veg we are growing are Cherry Tomatoes, Black Russian Tomato, Chilli,  Fennel, Celeriac, Kale, Orange and Purple Carrots, leeks, shallots, pumpkin and we have a watermelon plant in flower (but not sure it will produce fruit) Passion Fruit, banana's, pineapple, oranges, white Mulberry, strawberries and raspberries.  

Not all are producing right now.. but we are very proud that we are developing a garden that is live giving.  

Friday, 10 May 2013

DO WHAT YOU SAY... Don't measure success by other peoples standards!

"Now I know my knowledge was based on half truths, mis information, misunderstanding how my body worked and not understanding the mind body connection.
As they say You are what you think! I was a walking diet… And diets are focused on being fat first!

Now I’m focusing on forgiving myself! It’s a daily task as I get rid of my limiting belief system and replace it with endless possibility…
I’m sure if I tell myself that enough one day soon I will believe it and live it lol"

I wrote this sage advice to a member of the GM support forum.  I wanted to blog about it as it is a timely reminder to me that sometimes you just got to keep telling yourself positive reinforcements and power giving mantra's and eventually you DO what you SAY.

Replacing a limiting belief system with endless possibility means to me that daily I need to reinforce positive beliefs with action.  

Action for me are in the form of Visualisations, tapping and sometimes its doing something like Qigong.  I have printed off  written affirmations which I am yet to put in useful locations around the house that I can remind myself.

Daily Juicing does NOT have to be routine and boring.  Some days a morning juice is just not going to happen.. but ensuring I nutritionally meet my needs daily is what matter.

Some days I have to remind myself that there are no longer Good Days or Bad Days..

I am a success story already.. I am winning this battle that was within.  My success is no longer measured by a BMI score but by attitude in action!

Gratitude = Attitude = Transformation