Wednesday 12 June 2013

The Power of visualising abundance

Previously I have shared about my journey of believing in Abundance.. and I have thoroughly been embracing the belief system that I have EVERYTHING I need.  I have stopped apologising for being ME and I surround myself by positive people.

So.. I have been getting on with life when suddenly.....

Today I got a phone call to say I had won a 1kg bag of Soap Nuts from a recent Eco Festival I attended.    These amazing natural nut shells are the perfect natural alternative for all cleaning products and washing powders and soaps.. its amazing.. its worth $40!!  and will save at least the same in cleaning products over the next 6 months!

But that's not all..  I get home from collecting my prize to receive a reminder text message from my phone company saying my bill is due in 2 days time.. well I had already paid it earlier that day as I knew it was due - I never thought to check the online billing for the current balance.... but the text message said I actually had $53.97 credit in my account!  I rang them to ask why ... they haven't a clue and said I can keep the credit!!  That's 30% off my bill next month!.. 

Do I credit these things to coincidence or the power of believing that God provides all our needs and gives us LIFE in abundance?

 I go for the Latter.. I am living a GOD FILLED.. GOD DRIVEN.. DIVINE LIFE.... and I am appreciating every moment!


  1. Amen!

    Awesome, Skippy - isn't it weird that all thru the ages we've been already comforted by the truth of abundance, yet we've bought into the lie of scarcity ... It never ceases to amaze me now, that I am waking up to this truth. THANK YOU for sharing your thoughts and those beautiful pics!!! And GOOD ON YOU for attracting all these wonderful special gifts just by finally believing :) We are MEANT to be given gifts abundantly :)

    God bless, Carmen

    1. Thanks Carmen, I love the spirit of giving.. and Im grateful to the beautiful people in my life sharing it with me
